A sponsored walk will take place in the city on Sunday December 20 to raise awareness and funds for the local charity “Families, fathers and friends.”
The walk will start at 2pm at the Spanish Arch and will proceed to the end of the Promenade in Salthill and return to the Spanish Arch.
Participants and the public will be entertained at the Spanish Arch by Bluegrass band “Gone to Grass” which will play from 1pm to 2pm. The entertainment will continue with Cabaret Ziz street performers along the route.
The walkers will return to the Spanish Arch where “The Sumbrellas” folk pop group will round off the day’s proceedings.
The walk is expected to take about two hours. It is open to everyone and is suitable for all levels of fitness and age.
To participate in the walk contact Anna by email at a.otoole5@nuigalway.ie for sponsorship cards and further information or telephone Rachel at (089 ) 4288643. The office may be contacted on locall 1890 55 44 33 or by e-mail at info@fathers.ie