Hats off gentlemen, a genius!

HATS OFF Gentlemen, A Genius! Does the title of this concert by the much admired young pianist Cedric Tiberghien sound as if he’s giving himself a massive pat on the back?

Actually no. The title is not prompted by over-confidence but by a remark the composer Robert Schumann made about the very great Frédéric Chopin and next week Tiberghien will perform music by Chopin in Galway.

Music for Galway presents Hats Off Gentlemen, A Genius! with French pianist Cedric Tiberghien in the Aula Maxima, NUI Galway, on Thursday November 19 at 8pm.

On the night Chopin’s Sonata No 2 (Funèbre ) Op 35, Scherzo No 2, and ‘Four Ballades’ will be performed along with Deodat de Severac ‘Les Mulletiersdevant le Christ de Llivua’.

Tiberghien’s interpretation of the Ballades has been hailed in The Telegraph as “bewitchingly soft and caressing, the passionate moments fiery rather than weighty....this is very close to what we know about Chopin’s own playing and it’s a style perfectly suited to the imaginary narratives of these Ballades.”

Need we say more?

Tickets are €20/16/6 from Music for Galway (091 - 705962 ), Opus II, The Cornstore, or though the Town Hall Theatre on www.tht.ie


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