Meeting to ask what next for the trade unions?

Government and the trade unions are sharply divided over how to deal with the State’s finances and over the issue of paycuts. Is Ireland set for confrontation or can agreement be reached?

What Next for the Trade Unions? is the title of a public meeting which will be held upstairs in Richardson’s, Eyre Square, this evening at 8.30pm. Addressing the issue will be trade unionists including Brid Smith of UNITE and a People Before Profit councillor and SIPTU’s Paul Hardy, speaking in a personal capacity.

The speakers will ask if trade union leaders agree to talk to the Government will it lead to a ‘sell out’? and if it does, will people organise independently in their workplaces and communities for the proposed 24-hour shutdown on November 24?

All are welcome to the meeting to discuss and plan further tactics to stop more cuts and save public and community services. The meeting is arranged by the Socialist Workers Party Galway.


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