Former John F Kennedy aide to deliver business workshop in Galway

Frank Maguire, the former communications consultant to US presidents John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson, will host a major workshop in Galway outlining innovative approaches to making business work in these difficult times.

Mr Maguire will be in the Clayton Hotel on Friday November 27 from 9am to 12.30pm at the invitation of Galway business advisory company LEAP.

Mr Maguire is the former Senior Vice President of FedEx Worldwide, former head of programming for ABC, and former right hand man to KFC founder and pop-culture icon Colonel Harlan Sanders. He is now one of the world’s most celebrated business speakers, who has been described as a “one-man phenomenon” by CBS’s Charles Osgood and “like a gust of fresh air has come bursting in through the door,” by ABC News’ Ted Koppel.

At the workshop he will look at ‘surviving, thriving and succeeding in hard times’, ‘defining, refining and protecting your unique “secret ingredient”’, and ‘communication, leadership by example, client relationships, and employee satisfaction’.

The workshop cost is €117 per person, per workshop (to be paid in advance to secure booking ) or € 97 per person, per workshop for the third and subsequent enrolment The workshops are open to all business owners and individuals.

For more information and booking contact Paula Crowley on 091 - 755736 or email


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