Bareroot trees and hedging at Keanes Garden Centre, Kilcolgan

Now that the bareroot season has started, it is time to avail of the special offers available at Keane’s Garden Centre, Kilcolgan.

Now is the time of year to plant bareroot trees because the roots of the trees have stopped growing and if planted soon will be well settled to sprout new roots in the Spring. The earlier you plant them the better for the trees and establishing themselves and becoming stronger, quicker.

Keane’s grow their own trees and hedging in Kilcolgan, which means that they are already acclimatized to the west of Ireland and will adapt much quicker than imported trees.

They currently have a large variety of hedges and trees available at all different sizes and prices. These are only half the price of potted trees.

At Keane’s Garden Centre Kilcolgan all of the staff have the knowledge and expertise to answer your questions on all aspects of the garden.

Bareroot trees are also suitable for REP schemes or shelter belts.

Call into Keane’s Garden Centre Kilcolgan today to avail of bareroot trees and hedging at the lowest prices yet.


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