Windfall for local clubs and schools

This year, juvenile clubs and primary schools in Galway benefited from more than €100,000 worth of brand new sports and active play equipment, donated by local SuperValu stores and customers through the Kids in Action programme.

Launched in 2006, SuperValu Kids in Action is an initiative which aims to encourage children to get involved in sport and active play, while educating parents and children alike on the importance of a balanced diet. The programme is aimed at children aged between five and 12 years. Originally developed for primary schools, the programme was this year extended to include local juvenile clubs. This change was in response to recent research, which reveals that almost nine in 10 parents feel that it is important that their child is a member of a sports club.

In 2009, 83 per cent of schools and 60 per cent of local juvenile clubs across the country took part in the initiative supported by the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute. Since the launch of SuperValu Kids in Action over €4.6 million worth of sports equipment has been delivered to schools nationwide. In addition, more than €114,000 worth of sports equipment has been delivered to juvenile clubs nationwide.

Ray Kelly, marketing director of SuperValu, said; “SuperValu Kids in Action was created in an effort to encourage an active lifestyle and healthy eating among young children. This extra surge in resources for Irish primary schools demonstrates a real community effort for the benefit of children in clubs and schools across the country. Despite the economic climate the contribution grew this year by over €100,000 and all involved should be highly commended for their efforts.”

From January to March of this year, SuperValu customers nationwide collected vouchers for Kids in Action with every €10 spent in store. To promote healthy eating, double vouchers were given for all fruit and vegetable purchases. As part of the programme, SuperValu Kids in Action incorporated an extensive nutritional education programme. Free fresh fruit was delivered to local schools all over Ireland along with an informational DVD featuring Sarah Keogh, BSc (nutrition ) MINDI to aid teachers in communicating important health lessons to their students was distributed.


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