Athenry Tidy Towns Committe, who works tirelessly to ensure their town is kept ‘clean and green’, are now seeking new members to joins their ranks.
Interested parties are requested to attend a public meeting which will be held on Tuesday, November 3, at 8.30pm in Hansberry Hotel. The committee, which was first established in 1992, has had some retirements recently and need to recruit new members.
The committee would like to involve as many residents of the town as possible and are particularly interested in hearing from people who may have been involved in other tidy towns committees, or people who would just like to live in a cleaner town.
If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to register your support and willingness to help out the Athenry Tidy Towns Committee, then you can contact one the members or you can simply send an email to The current tidy town members are Tadhg Costello, Johnny Delaney, Stephanie O’Regan, Celia Donnelly, Pat Doherty, and Colin Morrissey.