Presentation on back pain

If you suffer from lower back pain, you could find the answer to your back problems at a free presentation being held at the g Hotel tonight at 7.30pm.

Dr Brian Johnson of City Chiropractic at the Knocknacarra Medical Centre, will be holding a presentation on managing low back pain.

Based on the latest research on low back pain, Dr Johnson will cover how these injuries develop, what patients can do to help themselves recover faster, and why standard low back rehab programmes often fail.

Approximately 85 per cent of people will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives, and a substantial portion of these people develop low back problems that plague them for years, sometimes leading to surgery. According to Dr Johnson, a lot of important research has been carried out in the past 10 years on low back pain, but these new findings are not being applied in many patient treatment plans.

“Every day, I see patients in my clinic that have been given advice that has long ago been proven wrong, and prescribed exercises that only serve to make their low back pain worse. This advice is always given with good intentions, but commonly ends up prolonging the patient’s problems. Better ways of treating this problem involve teaching patients ways to reduce the strain on their backs, and giving them safer exercises to rebuild the support structure around the spine. Educating patients about how these injuries occur in the first place and correcting the underlying problems proves to be a more effective way of managing these chronic low back pain cases. Patient education is really the key,” he says.

Admission is free to the public, with donations accepted on the night for the Galway Cystic Fibrosis Hospital Project. For more information, ring the Knocknacarra Medical Centre on 091 862 220.


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