.... Advertiser.ie - Chef served with €400 fine

Chef served with €400 fine

Causing trouble around the town ended in a fine of €400 for a chef in training.

Peter O’Donnell (24 ) with an address at 142 Castlepark, Galway, appeared before Judge Mary Fahy this week charged with being intoxicated in a public place and with threatening and abusive behaviour on November 24, 2002 at Centra supermarket, Lenaboy, Salthill, and similarly at McBride Avenue, Mervue, Galway, on Janaury 1, 2003. A charge of failing to obey Garda orders on January 1, 2003, was struck out.

Inspector Mick Coppinger told the court that on November 24 the defendant “caused a lot of trouble” at Centra. On January 1, he said that the defendant was drunk, abusive, and was arrested for his own safety.

Defence solicitor Sean Acton said that his client’s mother had died when he was only 14 and he went to live with his sister who was only 18 at the time. He added that O’Donnell had “public order difficulties for years”.

Mr Acton said that his client had been working at a local garage at the time of his arrest but is now in training to become a chef. He said that O’Donnell hasn’t committed any offences since and has been trying to get his life back on track.

The defendant was fined a total of €400 with three months to pay


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