Cancer Care West centre to run new classes

Two new classes are being provided at Cancer Care West’s cancer support centre at 72 Seamus Quirke Road.

These are a gentle exercise class for people with a cancer diagnosis and a transitions support group for those dealing with life after cancer.

Commenting on the introduction of the new classes, Dr Helen Greally, director of the centre, says the gentle exercise class was set up following on from research which indicates that a return to exercise helps people cope with cancer.

“It is also associated with the prevention of relapse of breast and colon cancers. This emerging evidence is an important factor to consider in offering support to cancer patients.

“The Transitions Support Group came about because we see how people’s lives are turned upside down by a cancer diagnosis and its subsequent treatment. The transition back to the realities of a normal life can be a serious struggle for them. The new group is designed to help people deal with this transition in the best way possible and to learn ways to cope with life after cancer.”

The gentle exercise class began on Tuesday and is run by a physiotherapist. It takes place weekly. The Transitions Support Group will begin on Tuesday November 3 and Tuesday November 10 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm and will continue on the first two Tuesdays of every month.

The Cancer Support Centre, which was officially opened by President Mary McAleese in July, was set up to help people live well with a cancer diagnosis and achieve the best quality of life possible.

For further information contact the centre at 72 Seamus Quirke Road, Westside. Telephone (091 ) 540040 or log onto


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