Scheme which helps improve security in older people’s homes to continue

News that the Government is to continue a scheme - which helps improve older people’s security in their homes but was suspended earlier this year - has been welcomed by local Fianna Fáil TD Frank Fahey.

“The Community Support for Older People Scheme administers funding to community and voluntary groups to encourage and assist them in improving the security of older people in their homes,” he explains.

“The Government suspended it in April to allow for consultation with interested parties about how it should proceed. Officials met with representatives of An Garda Síochana, the fire services, officials of Government departments, the HSE, and other groups to establish what measures might be implemented to improve the administration and operation of the scheme.”

Deputy Fahey said in addition some 100 community groups contributed to the review through a telephone survey conducted by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, which has responsibility for administering the scheme.

“It has now been confirmed that the suspension of the scheme has been lifted. I want to welcome this decision because I believe the scheme has contributed to the lives of many older people in Galway.

“Nationally some €1.28 million has been paid to 214 groups to date this year with some 3,700 older people receiving grants for equipment. It is expected that a further 2,500 people will benefit from the scheme before the end of the year.”

He said his party will continue to prioritise caring for vulnerable people.

“This scheme plays a small but pivotal role in helping to keep older people feeling safe in their homes.”


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