A new course has been developed by Galway-based business and life coach Evelyn Cormican, to bring positivity and ‘can do’ attitude back into your lives.
“Traditionally in Ireland we were never encouraged to dwell on things and told to ‘get up off our back-sides’ to face another day when things went wrong. However, nowadays much credence is given to acknowledging the impact of negative events like redundancy and unemployment. These can affect our self-perception and need to be dealt with properly so that we can face life with motivation and positivity,”said Evelyn Cormican, Director of Blueprint Coaching and Training.
In the current economic climate we hear stories of people being let go from their jobs, mass redundancies, cutbacks in staffing, and the number on the live register spiralling daily. Galway city and county have seen a dramatic increase over the last two years with approximately 35,000 unemployed. Being let go can come as a major shock and we don’t know how to deal with this.
The immediate short term effects are financial problems, families with small children and large mortgages who have to cope on low income assistance while doing everything they can to find new employment. Much of what we do and our sense of self-esteem is derived from our employment status. As the effects of the recession set in so too the negativity and low sense of self worth in those who are jobless.
It is important for people to become aware of the emotional and psychological impact of unemployment on their self esteem. Low self-esteem combined with negative thinking can often lead to depression. Recent figures from Aware — a national charity providing support for those who are depressed — show that 400,000 people in Ireland currently suffer from depression, that is one in 10 people, but many hide their depression and never get help.
‘When you begin to develop greater self awareness and understanding, you can build and maintain greater self-esteem and your life will change for the better,’ stated Evelyn Cormican, life coach with Blueprint Training and Coaching.
“A person’s success in any undertaking will never be greater than the image they have of themselves, therefore one can never out perform their self image. The self image can be compared to the central heating in your home, once the dial is set at a certain temperature and the room reaches that temperature, the thermostat cuts out, it’s the same with our self image.”
Blueprint Coaching and Training works with individuals and businesses enabling them to dramatically improve all aspects of their lives from business development to personal development. Having just moved to larger offices with training room facilities, a wider range of courses for groups is now on offer. Blueprint Coaching and Training have put together a number of morning and evening and weekend programmes to develop greater self awareness and boost self esteem commencing early November. For course details contact Evelyn on 087 6083846 or email info@blueprintcoaching.ie. Also check out www.blueprintcoaching.ie