Ex and the city — Mayoman shatters Supermac’s door to ‘re-engage’ with ex, court hears

Love conquers all, but the not the doors of Supermac’s which barely withstood an onslaught from a Mayo man who shattered the glass trying to “re-engage” with his ex.

The Galway District Court heard yesterday how “emotional circumstances” led to Sean Dempsey banging on the closed doors of Supermac’s in Eyre Square after spying his ex-girlfriend inside. The 26-year-old with an address at Inishmacatreer, Cross, Co Mayo, was so intent on getting inside to re-connect with his old flame that he shattered the glass of the door causing €400 of damage.

The defendant appeared before Judge Mary Fahy yesterday and pleaded guilty to criminal damage at Supermac’s, Eyre Square, on December 20, 2008, and to failing to appear in court on Janaury 12, 2009. The court heard that the defendant had been arrested on foot of a bench warrant on the morning of the court.

Inspector Pat McHugh said that at 4.10am the defendant had been restrained by Supermac’s security staff after trying to gain entry to the premises which had been closed. Dempsey had been pulling at the door with such force that the glass shattered. The inspector added that Dempsey had brought €400 cash into court with him to pay for the damage caused.

Defence solicitor Adrian MacLynn said that his client, who works as a machine driver, had been out socialising on the night in question and when he arrived at Supermac’s he had seen his ex-girlfriend inside. Mr MacLynn added that “problems arose” and that Dempsey had been trying to “re-engage with her”. Because of Dempsey’s actions security staff refused to allow him inside. “There were emotional circumstances that morning,” said Mr MacLynn.

The court then heard that the defendant apologised for failing to turn up to court and that he had been unaware that a bench warrant had been in existence. Judge Fahy convicted the defendant and fined him €350.


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