Learn how to achieve a work/life balance

Vhi Healthcare will host a workshop entitled “Work Life Balance and Managing Change” at the Clayton Hotel on Wednesday morning October 21.

The free event will coincide with Health and Safety Week 2009. It will feature presentations by psychologist and Stress Management Ireland founder, Karen Belshaw on achieving a work/life balance in stressful times, managing change/communication by Derek McKay, managing director of Adare Human Resource Management, and on leadership in a challenging environment by former Irish national cricket coach and leading motivational speaker, Adrian Birrell.

Cara Driscoll, Vhi Corporate Solutions, says the need to achieve a work/life balance is as important in times of economic downturn as it is in prosperous periods.

“These are difficult times for both employers and employees and this workshop will look at some practical measures which companies can introduce to reduce the impact of stress, manage change, and inspire leadership.”

She says the workshop will appeal especially to local companies which place priority on issues which impact on employee health and wellbeing.

“At present there is huge interest in the training courses we offer in management, employee and occupational health as well as the outplacement support that we provide to clients. Hence we felt the workshop would be really beneficial to companies who are prioritising these areas.”

To reserve a place on the workshop RSVP to info@vhics.ie by Tuesday October 13. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


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