FUZE, the first rock group from Galway to top the national music charts, will reform for an NUI Galway alumni reunion event next month.
NUI Galway alumni from the classes of 1978 and 1979 will gather on Saturday November 7, where the special guests will be FUZE. Founded in 1979 in UCG, the band enjoyed two hit singles, were given airplay by Dave Fanning, played major festivals, and supported U2 and The Pretenders before calling it a day in 1982.
The event will also hear a lecture on Finnegan’s Wake by Prof Hubert McDermott, photographic exhibitions, a re-enactment of a student literary and debating night, comedy drama, campus tours, a trad music seisiún, and a 1970s themed disco with DJ Big G.
The organisers, in conjunction with the Alumni Office, will hold a workshop to review how graduates can best support NUIG into the future and increase access to education. Proceeds from the weekend will go to charitable causes.
A special website containing hundreds of photographs from college life in the late 1970s can seen at www.ucgstudents.com For more information on the reunion and submitting photos to the website contact Brendan ‘Speedie’ Smith at bspeedie@eircom.net
Tickets for the reunion can be purchased from the NUIG Alumni Office on 091 - 493750 or through alumni@nuigalway.ie