Renowned accordion player for Galway Culture Night

Mary Staunton, renowned button accordion player, has confirmed that she will perform at Mise Art Space, from 6pm to 8pm as part of Galway Culture Night, on Friday September 25.

Cultural institutions throughout the city will be overflowing with music, dance and art on the night and visitors are encouraged to join in and enjoy themselves at the inspiring, moving, and entertaining cultural experiences. An evening of great music is promised at St Nicholas Church as ConTempo, the Galway Tribal Chamber Choir, and Galway Boy Singers mesmerise audiences from 6pm to 10pm. The haunting and mystical sounds of The Historical Harp Society of Ireland will fill the Galway City Museum from 6pm to 9pm and Galway’s oldest brass band, St Patricks Brass Band opens up its bandroom for a recital of popular, classical and jazz favourites from 8pm to 10pm. St Nicholas Parochial school invites visitors to embrace their inner twinkle toes and take part in an open dance workshop from 6pm to 8pm. Earwig Arts creatively re-invented different aspects of Irish folklore and will perform their interpretation of the extract from An Táin entitled The Quarrel of two Pig Keepers live on the streets of Galway. Colours Street Theatre Company will also entertain street audiences and will be joined by the costumed musicians and dancers of Galway Early Music.

Culture Night is an initiative co-ordinated by Temple Bar Cultural Trust and supported by the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism in partnership with the Galway City Council. The aim of the the event is to organise an event that provides a new and imaginative way for people of all ages and from all backgrounds to access and enjoy the rich cultural offering of the country’s cultural venues. Galway Culture Night is funded by the Deptartment of Arts, Sport and Tourism and Galway City Council. Eclectic, educational, and fun cultural performances and exhibitions will be found in all participating venues throughout the city on the evening of Friday September 25, a full list of which can be obtained on


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