Fat fighting, flexibility, and a free mind

An inoperable spinal condition led Conor Hogan to seek an alternative route towards helping to heal his chronic pain and ailments. Having played sports as a youngster, he continually suffered extreme pain. When he found himself paying tens of thousands on various therapies, it most definitely was time for a change. That change came in the form of yoga.

Having practised a few forms of yoga for a time, Hogan then turned to hot yoga. He began to feel immense and almost instantaneous benefits. Such were these benefits — both physical and mental — that he vowed to learn more about the healing art of yoga. Having already trained as a schoolteacher, Hogan then qualified as a hot yoga instructor and has opened Galway 40ºC Yoga, situated beside Ulster Bank in the Briarhill Shopping Centre.

The large studio allows students practise with guaranteed maximum mat space and facilities to reach their practice potential. It also hosts a therapy room that local therapists may rent for use. The benefits of hot yoga include weight loss and control, injury healing, increased flexibility, and a calm mind. Galway 40ºC Yoga can be contacted at (087 )1210456 or www.galwayyoga.ie


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