Looking for work — why not improve your skills?

Are you job hunting? We all know it is never an enjoyable task looking around for an ideal opportunity that will help you take the next step in your career. So once you do find that perfect job you cannot afford to make any mistakes and let the opportunity pass you by.

So what can you do to ensure this does not happen?

Loughrea company Job Hunting Skills has developed key training techniques that will give you a vital boost in your job search. The CV design course is a simple and effective service which offers a one-to-one training session covering your curriculum vitae, cover letters, and interview skills. In the session the company will discuss your current situation and background and teach key techniques to ensure that your CV not only shows you in the best possible light, but also makes you stand out from the crowd. The aim is to teach you the skills to develop your CV not only for your current job search but also for any future employment opportunities.

Some 67 per cent of candidates fail at interview due to lack of preparation.

The interview training sessions have been developed over 10 years of experience of recruitment and HR in both London and Dublin. Job Hunting Skills aims to provide you with key information as to how to present yourself successfully and answer difficult questions, ensuring your answers are structured in the most effective and precise way possible.

Several key training sessions have been designed to develop and fine tune your interviewing skills to ensure that you both begin and end an interview confidently.

Career skills

Have you ever wondered what type of career best suits your personality and strengths? Job Hunting Skills’ specialised computer programme enables staff to compare your personality traits to key skills that employers are looking for to expand their workforce. Personality testing is used extensively by large companies to assess the suitability of candidates for particular roles. They can also use these personality tests to assess your strengths and weaknesses and see where you may need to improve your own key skills.

To celebrate the launch of Job Hunting Skills in the west of Ireland the company will tour Galway, Athlone, and Mayo over the next three weeks.

Job Hunting Skills will be in Galway from Monday September 21 to Friday September 25; in Athlone from Monday September 28 to Friday October 2; and in Mayo from Monday October 5 to Friday October 9.

To book an appointment during this time visit www.jobhuntingskills.webs.com or phone (085 ) 7255353.


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