Brothers to dive with sharks ahead of scuba dive record attempt

In aid of two children’s charities, brothers Declan and Paul Devane and friend Gary Jennings will dive with sharks in the ocean tank of Galway Atlantaquaria between 11am and 4pm on Saturday next September 19, and Sunday September 20. Throughout the dive, they will have two-way communication units, which will allow them to interact with visitors to the aquarium. Galway Atlantaquaria will donate a percentage of door receipts to their fundraising initiative ‘The World’s Longest Scuba Dive’.

On October 10, the Devane brothers plan to take to the open seas off the west coast and enter the Guinness Book of World Records by scuba diving, without surfacing, for more than 24 hours. What sets this dive apart from other attempts is that it takes place in open sea rather than an aquarium or pool. In the uncontrolled natural environment the divers will be exposed to the elements and a water temperature of less than 15 degrees Celsius. The team are therefore attempting to claim the Guinness World Record for the world's longest cold, open saltwater, SCUBA dive.

Money raised will go directly to the children's cancer charity CDs Helping Hands and St Raphael's Children's Wards, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin.

Declan Devane has been motivated to take on the fundraising challenge in memory of his two year-old son Cillian, who died earlier this year. He knows the value money raised will have: “Every cent we raise will go directly to these wonderful charities. I know times are tough for everyone at the moment, but a donation of a fiver can make such a difference to the lives of these ill children. We are planning to have a lot of fun this weekend, so we are really encouraging people to come to the Atlantaquaria and bring the whole family,” says Mr Devane.

More information on the world record attempt and the extensive preparations for the dive can be found at Donations can also be made on online.


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