New book questions the direction of change in social work

Independent councillor Catherine Connolly will launch a new book, called Transforming Children’s Services? by Paul Michael Garrett, in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop, tomorrow at 6pm.

Paul Michael Garrett is the Director of Social Work at the National University of Ireland, Galway. He is the author of several books on social work and social policy and is a member of the editorial boards of a number of international academic journals. For a number of years he has also been the adviser on Social Services to the All-Party Irish in Britain Parliamentary Group in the UK Parliament.

The new book, mainly focused on England, critically examines a number of key issues connected to the modernisation of social work services for children and their families. Readers will find discussion on, for example: the deaths of the children.

Victoria Climbié and – more recently – baby Peter, and the responses of the media to their deaths; The increasing use of electronic technologies in social work and the introduction of a database, called Contactpoint, on all children in England; the attention given to ‘anti-social behaviour’.

“Although mainly focused on England, this is clearly an immensely important book for all concerned about the development of social work and associated forms on intervention,” said Cllr Connolly.

“It will be of interest to all those committed to trying to put in place services – both locally and nationally – which aim to address the needs of children and families. This is a requirement which has now, of course, become even more important with the publication of the report of the Ryan Commission.”


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