Over The Edge

BRIGHTON POET Bernadette Cremin will be the main reader at the September Over The Edge: Open Reading in the Galway City Library on Thursday September 24 at 6.30pm.

Bernadette has worked as a social worker, tea lady, sociology lecturer, teacher, bank clerk, and waitress. She has published two collections of poetry, the award winning Perfect Mess (2005 ) and Speechless (2007 ). Her third collection, Miming Silence, will be published by Waterloo Press in November.

Also reading on the night are Marcella Morgan, who was short-listed for 2009 Over The Edge New Writer of The Year and short story writer Shane Ó Maoildhia.

There will be an open-mic after the featured readers. The MC will be Susan Millar DuMars. For more information contact 087 - 6431748.


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