A new Substance for Thursday nights at Kelly’s

A NIGHT of new music, old classics, and a platform for exciting Irish indie and rock’n’roll acts, named after the New Order and Joy Division compilations - this is Substance.

The clubnight Substance takes place every Thursday in Kelly’s, Bridge Street, starting at 10.30pm. The night is run by Disconnect 4 drummer Keith McCafferty and i 102 - 104 Radio’s Josh Clarke, who are also the club’s resident DJs.

Keith founded Substance which originally began life in De Burgo’s. Eventually it moved to Bar 903 where it hosted gigs by The Revellions, Sick Boy, and Talula Does The Hula. When The Living Room was renovated and became Kelly’s, Kelly’s approached Keith and asked him ifghe would like to become involved in the new venue’s clubnights.

“They showed me upstairs, the plans, and what they wanted to do and I wanted to become involved,” Keith tells me as we sit for the interview in Kelly’s on a Monday afternoon. “I then asked Josh if he would get involved as well.”

Josh admits to being “a bit sceptical” initially, but when he saw the new venue, its lighting, sound system, and music policy, he was keen to become part of Substance. “When I heard the music policy I said ‘Yes’, and we have a lot of leeway to make this night our own,” he tells me.

So what can Galway expect to see and hear at Substance on a Thursday night?

“People will hear indie, rock’n’roll, and soul, and it will all have a party feel,” says Josh. “We keep a focus on what will keep people moving. There is a definite progression to the music on the night. We might start off with a bit of soul then move it up with some indie. It will build up throughout the night - we want to keep people dancing - and then for the last 20 minutes we might play a bit of soul again and slow things down.”

Keith says the music policy will both educate and entertain.

“We will play plenty of old favourites and classics and inbetween there will be a lot of new music by acts we think are exciting - there will be something for everyone,” he says. “Both of us are broadly into the same kind of music but there are divergences and that’s what will make it interesting for the people who come along.”

However Substance is not just a club night. It is also a live music night where new Irish bands can strut their stuff. Keith says he wants to “keep the quality of the live nights high” so live bands will feature around twice a month. Josh adds: “They will be bands we really believe in.”

Tonight substance will play host to Dublin band Cheap Freaks who play a raw and exciting brand of garage rock’n’roll.

“Cheap Freaks are ex-members of The Things and DC Pact,” says Keith. “They are only going for a year but they have already supported Humanzi, they put in a great live show, and they will test the PA system.”

Substance will also host a gig by the brilliant Disconnect 4 next week (check out their debut EP Modern Love which is available in HMV and Zhivago as well as on iTunes ). A gig by Lost Chord, the Afrobeat/Krautrock/indie band led by Dave Phelan, is also due to take place.

“We want people who love good music and who want to dance to come along to Substance and have a party in a big venue,” says Josh. “It’s a night for people who don’t take themselves too seriously but who want to have a good time...and abuse the DJ!”

For more information see www.myspace.com/cheapfreaks, www.myspace.com/substancegalway, and Facebook under Substance Galway.


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