New college to teach Alexander Technique

Many people think that the Alexander Technique involves improving posture by ‘sitting up straight’. Nothing could be further from the truth. It involves releasing unconscious tension from our body to allow us to move through life with greater ease. It can dramatically help or prevent backache, arthritis, insomnia, and a whole range of physical aches and pains. By learning the technique you may find that your confidence and self-esteem naturally grow. You may also find a natural spontaneity, a greater contentment, and a deeper love of life.

Our bodies are our most precious possession, yet most of the time we give little attention to them. The human body is an amazing anti-gravity mechanism, but most of us unconsciously interfere with the natural working and reflexes to such an extent that millions of people throughout the world suffer acute backache every year. It is also estimated that many more people will suffer from asthma, insomnia, arthritis, headaches, and migraine, all due to stress or excess muscle tension throughout the body.

By practising the Alexander Technique you will learn how to move with gravity, instead of against it, thus achieving greater ease of movement. This will in turn affect your mental and emotional outlook on life.

The only requirements are patience and a willingness to let go of harmful habits that we have acquired throughout our lives. It can be especially useful for musicians who suffer from tension problems when playing, or for sportspeople who wish to gain maximum efficiency out of their bodies.

The new Alexander Centre has just been built to accommodate the growing interest in the technique. The centre runs introductory courses, intermediate courses, and a three year part-time Alexander teacher training course.

Richard Brennan has studied the Alexander Technique since 1983 and has been a fully qualified teacher since 1989, having undergone a three-year teacher training course approved by the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique UK. He travels throughout Europe and the USA giving talks and courses on the technique. He has taught the technique at many educational centres including DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, NUI, Galway, Limerick University, Dartington College of Arts, and Middlesex University.

He has written four books on the Alexander Technique — The Alexander Technique – natural poise for health, The Alexander Technique Workbook, The Alexander Technique Manual, and Mind and Body Stress Relief with the Alexander Technique — which are translated into eight languages and are on sale worldwide.

He has been the director of the only Alexander teacher training college, Ireland for the last 10 years; he is the Irish national contact for Alexander Technique International and co-founder of the Irish Society of Alexander Technique Teachers. For further information visit


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