Plumber fined for breaking restaurant window

An unemployed plumber, who was fined for breaking the window of a city centre restaurant when he was acting the “maggot” on a night out with friends, was advised to find other ways to spend his earnings on other than fines.

Vincent Doyle (26 ) with an address at 24 Kirwan Park, Mountmellick, Laois, pleaded guilty at Galway District Court last Monday to breaking a window, valued at €300, of Cooke’s Bar and Restaurant, Abbeygate Street Lower.

Inspector Ernie White told the court that on September 6, 2008, at 11.20pm gardai were on patrol when they noticed security staff at CPs night club attempting to restrain the defendant. The defendant, who inspector said had a row with his girlfriend, then put an elbow through the window of Cooke’s Bar and Restuarant.

Doyle who is trained as a plumber told the court that he was not working at present as the company he had worked had laid people off. He said that he had been out with friends and that there was an argument. He then offered €300 to pay for the damage.

“You had money to have night out in Galway... You were acting the maggot?” said Judge Mary Fahy.

“Kind off,” admitted Doyle.

The court heard that the defendant had previous convictions including one for driving without insurance in April 2007 for which he was fined €2,000.

“All the money you are earning seems to be going on fines... It seems to be a ridiculous way for you to behave. If you are back in Galway, you better behave yourself,” said Judge Fahy who then convicted and fined the defendant €500 with three months to pay.


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