Soviets had their eyes on Galway

During the Cold War era Ireland was economically poor, everything was State owned, run, and operated, and the interiors of public buildings seemed to be covered in linoleum and Formica.

Strange as it may seem, Ireland had more in common with some of the Eastern Bloc countries than with our western European neighbours. Perhaps this is why the Soviet Union was watching Ireland closely, and Galway in particular.

Why and how the Soviets were keeping an eye on Galway and Ireland will be the subject of a public lecture by Galway Archaeological and Historical Society in the Harbour Hotel on Monday September 14 at 8pm.

In Soviet Eyes on Galway, Col Desmond Travers will focus on a Soviet military map of Galway, and discuss the means, methods, and standards employed by the Soviet geodetic agency involved in producing such maps. He will also look at Ireland’s place in Soviet military thinking during the Cold War.

Desmond Travers is a retired army colonel. He has had essays on the subject of Soviet military mapping published abroad.

All are welcome to attend.


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