Irishmen, and among them thousands of Galwegians, served in the British Army during the colonial wars, WWI, and WWII, and now the Galway City Museum wants to tell their story.
The staff of the museum, along with guest curator Damien Quinn, are working on an exhibition about Galway’s participation in the various wars of Empire from the 1700s onwards.
As part of the research, the museum is calling on the Galway public who have information on ancestors who served in these wars, in particular the First World War, to get in touch with the museum.
Those interested can share their story with Damien Quinn or leave contact details and a short paragraph outlining the story you wish to tell and the museum will get back to you.
“With your help we can represent the impact of WW1 on the social lives of the people of Galway,” said Mr Quinn. “We value your contribution.”
The exhibition, to be entitled Galway and the Wars of Empire, will be launched in November.
For more information contact the museum on 091 - 532460 or email