PÅRAIC BREATHNACH presenter of The Eleventh Hour on RTE Radio 1, and ‘Jacksie’ in Killinaskully, is to launch a new collection of poetry by renowned Mayo poet Colette Nic Aodha. Scéal ón Oirthear or Story from the West is the name of the new collection which will be launched this evening at the Club Áras Gael, 45 Dominick St, at 8pm.
Refreshments will be available and all are welcome. Nic Aodha is from Shrule, Mayo, but lives in Galway and has had several collections of poetry published. The poet will be running a poetry workshop in Shrule House, Mayo, from August 20 to 23. The workshop, which is free of charge, is sponsored by Foras na Gaeilge. To register or for further information, email cnicaodha@eircom.net