Va va broom — world record Irish brush dance for GOAL

Students from Coláiste Lurgan, Indreabhán, are to take part in a world record attempt for the largest number of people to perform the Irish brush dance at one time with all the proceeds going to Goal.

The event, organised by Coláiste Lurgan in conjunction with Goal, will take place at 1pm on Monday next August 24 in Eyre Square.

It is expected that 460 students from the school will take part in the event. By the time the event takes place an amazing €40,000 will have been collected by Siopa Goal, which is organised in the school, and it is hoped that a further €6,000 will be collected on the day.

Members of the public wishing to take part and to support the event are welcomed.

A cheque for €46,000 will be presented to Goal at the event. Galway and Coláiste musicians will also be providing accompaniment on the day.


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