Mayo dentists warn 40,000 people at risk of losing dental benefits

Dentists in Mayo have criticised the proposal of An Bord Snip Nua that the Dental Treatment Benefit Scheme be abolished. The scheme, which has been in place for many decades, allows patients who make PRSI contributions to avail of free or subsidised dental treatment.

According to the Irish Dental Association, over 40,100 people in Mayo are eligible for dental treatment under the scheme. Mayo dentist Dr Rory Fleming says he is shocked that the report has made such a suggestion. “The Government cannot abolish this scheme. If the scheme is abolished, many people will cut back on dental care, which will lead to a deterioration of the dental health of the population. It may result in short term savings but it will inevitably lead to costly long term repercussions.”

He continued: “Patients are effectively being told that despite many years of contributions, they are now to be deprived of this scheme. Workers on the average industrial wage contribute €20 per week in PRSI contributions while higher earners contribute up to €53 per week towards their dental and other welfare benefits.”

Under the scheme, which is funded by employees paying PRSI, patients are entitled to a dental examination and two courses of scale and polish every year without any charge. Furthermore, discounts of up to 15 per cent are available to patients in addition to state assistance to cover their costs of up to €240 per item of treatment.


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