Leaving Certificate results and CAO offers 2009

The results

Results are personal to each student. Each student had his/her own personal goal and dream, some with specific courses and colleges in mind, so using the days between results and CAO offers can help to put things into perspective, particularly should students believe they may not achieve their chosen course. But neither can any student rush to judgement — so the waiting for actual CAO offers is equally essential. Student privacy is also important, so it does help if parents and relations and neighbours allow for this.

No-one knows the points for any course — and do try to believe that. That five day wait can also help families and students to re-assess options, to come to terms with possible disappointment, to talk with people who understand their situation, and to hopefully recover and prepare a little until 6am Monday August 17, the moment when CAO offers come online at www.cao.ie They are also available on Aertel, and are published in the daily newspapers.

Round one CAO offers

If possible, it does help to have a friend or parent with the student when he/she finally checks the course points of their desired course. Congratulations and relief are good to share, but unexpected or confirmed disappointment does need a strong companion and a comforting hug. Some students may put off the moment of truth and can leave finding out until later in the day, often staying in bed with the proverbial head under the pillow. While frustrating to those also waiting to hear, a student is entitled to his/her own timing in finding out his/her future. So be patient.

Regardless of excitement or disappointment, double-check everything — always. Follow instructions. Read everything carefully and twice. If you do not understand, then seek advice. Every student who receives a CAO offer will also receive an enquiry form. They can also e-mail queries to CAO — using the CAO website helpline. They will also find answers to many frequently asked questions on the site — so do make sensible use of it.

Considering your CAO offer

Students need to treat their CAO offer(s ) — for students can receive two CAO offers, one for Level 8 Honours and one for Level 6/7 courses — with caution. But students may only accept one offer. Students also need to realise that the offers they now hold may be the only offer(s ) they may receive. There is no guarantee that they will receive a second round CAO — August 28 — or later offer. And should they do so, they can then consider such an offer and either hold onto their first round CAO and already accepted offer, or decide to accept their second round, or later offer, if preferred.

If uncertain of their course offer, students should consider visiting the campus of their offered course — and double check the content and outcome of their offered course. Talk to the colleges concerned, or to your school, or to someone who understands the college system and the courses involved. Students may be surprised to find their offered course has real potential for them and may well be suited to them. This can happen when students put down courses without fully researching or considering them, in full belief that they will, of course, get the one course they most want. So take your time.

Accepting your CAO offer

The closing date for first round CAO offers is 5.15pm on Tuesday August 25.

The majority of students accept their offer online, but if posting an acceptance, a student should allow two working days for posting, while also getting a certificate of posting at the post office.

Again, follow all instructions carefully. Print out a copy of your acceptance when accepting online, and keep it safe.

Deferring your CAO offer

Deferral procedures are outlined in the CAO Handbook and must be followed with great care. Requests for course deferrals must be with the admissions office of the college of the specific course, at least two days before the reply date shown on the offer notice. Mark envelope ‘deferred entry’.

Vacant/available places

The CAO re-opens its vacant places on Tuesday August 18 at 12 noon. Again, use the CAO website www.cao.ie and go to available/vacant places. Students can then apply for such courses. This can be of interest to students who may be disappointed with their results, their particular course offer, or location of course offered. There are currently 24 such courses on offer, in University College Dublin and in Tipperary Institute, but many more will come online and may well suit students. So do check. Applications for vacant places may also be made by those who have not previously applied on this year’s CAO application.

Direct entry courses

Check on individual college websites and in local papers for direct entry courses that may be announced. Such courses may be applied to, in addition to your CAO application.

Viewing exam scripts

Students who wish to view their exam scripts, in person, need to return their completed form to their school by Tuesday August 18. This is a valuable opportunity for students to examine their examination work and to assess the viability of sending their scripts for appeal. It is valuable for students who may be considering repeating their Leaving Certificate. Dates for viewing are Friday August 28 and Saturday August 29.

Appeal applications

Appeal applications must be with the student’s school on Tuesday September 1 to be with the State Examination Commission by Wednesday September 2. Though advisable, it is not necessary for students to view their exam scripts to request a subject appeal.

Officer cadetships

Some students and graduates may be interested in a career as a cadet — just advertised. The closing date is Friday August 21. Apply online at www.military.ie

Marie Barrett is a director of MBCS, Marie Barrett Career Services, Loughrea, Co Galway. She is author of The Education Guide and contributes to national and local radio education programmes. MBCS works individually with second and third-level students and parents and with adults. Contact: (091 ) 841424, e-mail info@mbcs.ie


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