Cinema Review - The Ugly Truth

Another battle of the sexes romantic caper? I hear you groan. This flick has all the usual clichés one would expect, however, if you’re willing to leave your brain at the door and just accept the film for what it is - it’s just there for a few laughs and certainly not in line for Oscars or any awards - then you might, just might, find it entertaining.

The film begins with Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl - Grey’s Anatomy, 27 Dresses, Knocked Up ) who is the very efficient show producer of AM Sacramento. However, despite the long hours she has worked, even to the point where her social is left on the back-burner, the show’s ratings are falling and her job is on the line.

Richter, a single lady with control issues, treats her dating like she treats her work - full of checklists and top 10 attributes that must be adhered to - which inevitably sends men running. To save the ailing show the boss hires Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler - 300, P.S. I love You ) so he can work his rude crude magic with ‘The Ugly Truth’ segment. Chadway promises to speak the truth about what men really think when it comes to relationships much to the annoyance of Richter.

As predicted Richter detests Chadway, however, she soon sees the light and turns to him for an insight into the male psyche and to snare her new neighbour whom she meets after falling out of a tree, of course.

Although I was expecting the worst the film does start off quite promising with really funny moments, the best of which is a scene where Richter tries out vibrating panties, loses the remote, and gets more than a few thrills during a dinner with the TV executives.

The film loses all interest towards the middle and has a predictable ending, then again, all romantic comedies have the same ending more or less. Women are desperate control freaks who do not understand men, who are protrayed as barely potty trained and ape-like when it comes to dating. You can agree or disagree, be insulted or not give a damn, but what is clear is that there is not much imagination here. However if you want something that will not challenge you, at all, and that will provide a few laughs then give it a go.

Verdict: 2.5/5


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