Bag pack at Dunnes Stores and help charity for suicide bereaved

Console, the organisation for the suicide bereaved, is appealing to the public to support its bag packing fundraiser at all Dunnes Stores’ grocery outlets at the end of the month.

Margaret Tierney, the regional development manager of the charity, is seeking volunteers who will give three hours of their time to support this nationwide initiative.

“Suicide continues to destroy the lives of hundreds of families and communities throughout Ireland every year. Daily, we are faced with an irreversible trail of destruction that suicide leaves in its wake.

“We are asking people to give three hours of their time on Saturday 29th of August in a Dunne’s grocery store near them. We are all feeling the effects of the recession and know now is not the time to ask people to delve into their pockets to donate. Instead, we are doing all in our power to create events and services that will raise funds to continue our vital work. We are asking people for their time.”

She says Console is “extremely fortunate” that Dunne’s Stores is allowing Console to use all its nationwide grocery stores to raise essential funds through the volunteer bag packing project.

“In the wake of the economic crisis we have no choice but to find alternative ways of continuing to fund our services this year. Through Console’s bag-pack day we have the chance to raise a significant figure that will allow us to continue to support families and friends who have lost a loved one to suicide. In addition it will fund our work with children and young people in crisis and help prevent many suicides. All we need are the volunteers.”

People interested in helping should contact Margaret Tierney at (091 ) 782836 or Ciaran at (01 ) 6102638.


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