Tourism industry in Galway asked to ‘shine’

Ireland’s traditional hospitality that has attracted overseas visitors has waned over the last six years, according to figures released by Tourism Ireland.

Between 2002 and 2008 there was a decline of six per cent (from 45 per cent to 39 per cent ) in the number of tourists citing the people of Ireland as a particular advantage of holidaying here.

Although Ireland’s hospitality and welcome for overseas visitors remains the country’s number one asset, Tourism Ireland is now launching a new initiative, entitled ‘Shine’to ensure holidaymakers receive a traditional cead mile failte.

“In our marketing overseas, Tourism Ireland promises potential visitors an experience that is unique and full of spontaneity, engagement, and fun,” says Mark Henry, Tourism Ireland’s director of central marketing. “When they arrive, the people they meet here are the ones who deliver that promise – by being happy, interested, natural and expert. The message is simple: when our people shine, Ireland radiates,”

“In the current difficult trading environment it is more important than ever that we recognise our greatest resource – our people – beginning with those who work in tourism and hospitality. If we invest in ‘Shine’, it will pay back manifold through the terrific stories visitors take home and share with others – whether face-to-face or in an online forum,” said Henry.

Tourism Ireland has designed a programme pack to support the roll-out of the ‘Shine’ initiative across the tourism and hospitality industries. It consists of a simple straight-talking leaflet, a DVD, and a website


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