Win DVDs of Waveriders

WAVERIDERS, THE acclaimed film which tells the history of surfing, its revival by an Irish-American, and which profiles major surfers, is out on DVD tomorrow.

Featuring renowned Irish, British and American surfers Richie Fitzgerald, Gabe Davies, Kelly Slater and the Malloy brothers, Waveriders, narrated by Cillian Murphy, tracks the influence of Hawaiian George Freeth, an Irish-American, who revived the sport and invented modern surfing in the early 1900s.

From Hawaii to California and back to Irish shores the film reaches a spectacular climax when the surfers conquer an enormous 60-foot wave - the biggest swell ever to have been ridden off the Irish Atlantic coast. The event heralded the country’s emergence as one of Europe’s top surf destinations.

The Galway Advertiser has three copies of the DVD to give away. To be in with a chance to win just answer the following question: Which Irish actor narrates the film Waveriders?

Email your answers to and write Waveriders Competition in the subject heading. You must include your name, address, and a telephone number at which you can be contacted. The closing date for entries is Wednesday August 12 at 5pm.


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