Oranmore development refused planning permission

Development deemed unsuitable for ecological sites

A Oranmore development which proposed to build 56 houses, seven apartments, and leave areas for a school and a soccer pitch has been refused planning permission by An Bord Pleanala because of its close proximity to important ecological sites.

The application by White Cedar Development Ltd was first submitted to Galway County Council in September 2008 but had been granted planning permission as long as it adhered to 20 conditions. It was then sent on appeal to An Bord Pleanala in April of this year.

The development was to consist of 56 houses and seven apartments. The site, which was to be located within Oranmore village and west of the main street, was also to provide an area designated for a future school site with appropriate drop-off and car parking zoning and a soccer pitch.

According to the inspector’s report the site is bounded to the north by a convent, to the northeast by a football pitch, to the east and south by recently constructed housing estates (Hazel Court and Bluebell Woods ) and a small wooded area (Bluebell Wood ) and to the southwest and west by the sea and foreshore which comprises a salt marsh habitat that is protected under the Galway Bay Complex cSAC.

The site also comprises a number of archaeological sites including a ring fort, pits and middens. Two recorded monuments are located to the north of the site, Oranmore Castle classified as a tower house and a designed landscape classified as a tree ring. Two protected structures are also located to the north of the site, Oranmore School House, and the Presentation Convent.

A total of 15 letters of objection were received from local residents who raised concerns in relation to material contravention of the Development Plan.

The inspector’s report outlined the reasons and considerations for the refusal to grant planning permission. It stated that “The proposed development would be located within an area covered by the RA zoning objective in the Oranmore Local Area Plan 2006-2012. This objective seeks to use the lands for recreation and amenity purposes and residential, apartment, and educational uses are not normally permitted. Furthermore Policy 3.15.5 of the LAP also seeks to protect RA zoned lands from inappropriate development and only very limited development, directly related to amenity and leisure uses, will be permitted in such areas. The proposed development would also be located in close proximity to the Galway Bay Complex cSAC and SPA which is also part of the Natura 2000 network... The proposed development would therefore materially contravene the RA zoning objective for the site, it would set an undesirable precedent for the future similar development of lands zoned for recreation and amenity uses in close proximity to Natura 2000 sites which would, in turn, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”


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