Mackerel, whale, and origami at city museum

The Galway City Museum will host a Japanese weekend tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, when the Museum Café teams up with the Japanese Wa Café for food, thought, and origami.

Tomorrow at 1pm, Arata Kawamoto will discuss the importance of whale and mackerel in Japanese culture. The whale in particular is a precious creature to the Japanese and indeed was once considered a god of the ocean. After the talk visitors are invited to visit the museum café for some mackerel sushi and green tea.

On Sunday the museum will host an event especially for children and their parents, with a workshop on the ancient Japanese craft of origami. Yoshimi Hayakawa from the Wa Café will host this event which costs €5 per family.

The mackerel and whale event is free of charge but both events need to be booked in advance by calling the museum on 091 - 532460.


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