Eco-assured standard for wild fisheries sector launched in Salthill

In these difficult economic times, it is vital that Irish seafood is differentiated to protect our fishermen and to ultimately build a recognisable mark to support Irish fishermen and suppliers.

This is the view of Jason Whooley, the CEO of Bord Iascaigh Mhara, regarding the bord’s new programme to ensure Irish wild caught fish is clearly identified as Irish and caught using responsible fishing practices.

The new wild fisheries eco-assured standard for the Irish fisheries industry was launched recently at the Galway Bay Hotel in Salthill by the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Tony Killeen.

BIM has developed its existing Quality Seafood Programme to encompass wild caught Irish fish. The move will enable industry to clearly label their produce as Irish fish caught or farmed to the highest quality standards using responsible fishing and environmental practices.

To ensure the entire supply chain is certified under the scheme, BIM is calling on fishermen, co-ops, processors, and retailers to apply for the standard. The extension of the BIM QSP to encompass wild fisheries actions is a key recommendation set out by the Irish Seafood Market Initiative Group set up by Minister Killeen last year.


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