Reorganise your wardrobe

Two weeks to the Galway Races and you cannot find that dress you bought and never wore! Maybe it’s time to declutter and reorganise your wardrobe. The problem is you have no room to improve or extend your wardrobe space; here are some tips about how to optimise your space. Things in a wardrobe can get out of control pretty quickly. These simple tips will allow you the room you need to keep your wardrobe filled with the most up-to-date styles without overflowing.

1. Go through your clothes and shoes to weed out things you don't wear any more. If you haven't worn it in more than a year, or if it doesn't fit you anymore, it goes.

2. Now you can use all the space available to you. Install a second rod halfway between the floor of your wardrobe and the existing rod. Hang skirts and pants there. Longer items can stay on top.

3. If they aren't there already, install shelves above your existing rod. This is the perfect place to keep shoes (preferably plastic shoe boxes — they stack neatly and keep shoes nicer, longer ).

4. Use the space on the back of your wardrobe door. You can get an over-the-door rack on which to hang belts and bags; an over-the-door shoe cubby to organise shoes; install hooks for robes and jackets; or put up a full-length mirror.

5. If your wardrobe is big enough, stash a small plastic or wooden set of drawers in there to store accessories, socks, etc.

6. Use multiple-tiered hangers to hang twice as much in the same space.

7. Plastic clothes hangers are usually twice the width they need to be. Use slim-width metal hangers and watch your wardrobe space magically expand.

8. Stash seasonal items in under-the-bed rolling bins. That way they are protected while not in use, and when you peek into your wardrobe you can actually see what's in there.

9. Sometimes the task is simply too big — if your budget allows, get a professional to redesign your wardrobe space, install a walk-in wardrobe, or simply redesign the inside of it with all the right accessories.


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