No more cheap Viagra or Nigerian slushfunds for county councillors

County councillors will no longer be bombarded with offers of cheap Viagra or to have their bank accounts used to hold funds for exiled African princes, following the unveiling of their new secure email system this week.

Although not all of the councillors are heavy computer users, a presentation on the new system was made to the council this week.

The council’s IT specialist Michael Martyn made a presentation on the council’s new high-spec email system at the meeting yesterday, outlining its unique features, its accessibility, its security and its flexibility in being used as an online diary for the councillors. It will also filter out any unwanted spam message for the councillors.

Several councillors enquired as to whether their laptops would be up to using this new system or whether they can avail of free email in the confines of the County Hall.

Mr Martyn said that hotspots have been installed around the building and that the IT department will be only too glad to help councillors with their queries. — Declan Varley


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