5 Rhythms Dance/Movement Meditation

Imagine a word in which we could all dance, just let ourselves go, swinging, moving, gliding, and enjoying ourselves like a child in a playground. That’s a bit like what 5 Rhythms is all about. It’s a form of dance, or movement meditation, that is designed primarily to put a smile on your face. It’s about having fun, moving the body to music, following where it wants to go and how it wants to feel.

The idea is to relax the body — your muscles, your spine, all the tension inside. When we free the body, the heart begins to open. When the body and the heart open, the mind won't be far behind.

The physical practice of 5 Rhythms® is about living your life moment by moment and day by day, in whatever situation you find yourself in. It is about going beyond judgement and expectation, and finding a way of being comfortable with yourself, with your feelings and your habitual reactions to things. The practice helps to still the mind and feed the soul. But ultimately it’s just about having fun. Beyond that it can be profound or as simple as you wish to make it. Inside each of us there is a dance that is unique; why not give yours a chance to express itself, just once?

Caitríona Nic Ghiolla Phadraig offers a variety of workshops and classes in 5 Rhythms practice in Connemara, Co Galway.

For more information contact Caitríona Nic Ghiolla Phadraig at Finisglen, Recess, Connemara, phone (095 ) 34664, e-mail info@deorade.com, or visit www.deorade.com


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