In today’s Ireland, with soaring rents and a housing market that seems more elusive than a sunny bank holiday, many young couples navigate romance from the comfort (or chaos ) of their childhood bedrooms. Living with your parents while trying to nurture a relationship can be tricky, but love can blossom beautifully under one roof with a bit of tact, creativity, and a healthy dose of humour.
Faced with an ever-worsening housing crisis, untenable rents and a significant lack of available rental stock, 69 per cent of 25-year-olds in Ireland still live with their parents. That is according to the Central Statistics Office’s Growing Up in Ireland project, which follows age cohorts from early childhood to adulthood. Among those living in their parental home, 62 per cent cited financial reasons as the predominant cause with an additional 23 per cent stating it was partly due to finances.
Romance in your childhood bedroom
Of those 69 per cent of young Irish adults living at home, 59 per cent stated that they were in a romantic relationship. With organisations such as Construction Information Services (CIS ) predicting that construction figures will dramatically wane in 2025, young Irish people will likely have to navigate the tricky waters of pursuing a romantic relationship while living with their parents for the foreseeable future.
For those fortunate enough to have the option of living at home during these tough times, dating can be tough. Stuck in the chasm between adulthood and childhood, returning home, or remaining at home, can result in a prolonged feeling of childhood and adolescence. Instead of feeling awkward, or hiding how you feel, communication with your parents is key.
Set the ground rules first
First things first — have an open chat with both your partner and your parents. It might feel a bit awkward, but setting boundaries early saves a world of confusion down the line. Agree on visiting times, privacy expectations, and the all-important ‘no surprise sleepovers’ rule (unless mam has given the nod, of course ). This is a prime time to iron out what you and your parents feel is appropriate behaviour in their home while also protecting your boundaries.
Carve out quality time
When personal space is at a premium, quality trumps quantity. Make the most of your time together, even if it’s just a cuppa in the garden or a walk down the road. Small, meaningful moments often carry more weight than grand gestures. And if privacy is scarce, get creative — picnics, day trips, or even sitting in the car with your favourite tunes can feel like your own little world.
Respect the family dynamic
Your partner isn’t just dating you; they’re getting to know your family too. Encourage friendly chats, but don’t feel pressured to force closeness. It’s all about balance — a bit of small talk with your dad about the GAA match, maybe, but not every visit needs to turn into Sunday dinner. Give space for natural connections to grow organically without external pressure to speed up how they develop, people take time to get used to others.
Communication is key
Living at home can stir up feelings of frustration or stress, especially when privacy is thin on the ground. Keep the lines of communication open with your partner. Be honest about what’s working and what isn’t, and remember to laugh about the inevitable awkward moments. A sense of humour can soften even the most cringeworthy encounters.
Plan for the future
While living at home might be a temporary arrangement, it’s still part of your relationship story. Talk about your plans for the future together, whether it’s saving for a place, career goals, or travel dreams. Having shared aspirations helps keep your bond strong, even if your current setup isn’t ideal.
At the end of the day, love finds a way, whether you are under your roof or in mam’s and dad’s. With a dash of patience, a sprinkle of understanding, and a good sense of humour, you can build a strong, happy relationship… even if your dad is just down the hall shouting about the price of the ESB bill.