The many connections betwen the Irish language and Latin have led to a West of Ireland man taking up the challenge to find the links between the two languages.
The Irish language (Gaeilge ) and Latin share fascinating historical and linguistic connections due to Ireland’s integration into the Christian world during the early medieval period. Latin was the liturgical and scholarly language of the Church, profoundly influencing Old Irish, particularly between the 5th and 10th centuries.
Joseph Godwin told the Galway Advertiser that on the feast of Corpus Christi two years ago, he explained to his great grand nephew the meaning of the words Corpus and Christus and of their link.
“I told him that the Irish word corp and Críost come from them. Gradually, my interest grew in that type of investigation between the languages and I went on to create a list that might be fascinating to your readers.
“My hope is that somebody might do a thorough investigation of this topic.
“I hope also that interest in our Teanga ársa Álainn may be generated through this, especially in our secondary schools,” Mr Godwin added.
The list includes:
Aifreann — offrerendum
Aingeal — angelus
Airgead — argentum
Altóir — altare
Aon — unus
Aondéag — undecim
Athair — pater
Beannacht - benedictus
Cáisc — pascha
Ceathair — quattuor
Corp — Corpus
Críost —Christus
Coinneal — candelum
Creideamh — credo
Deich — decem
Dia — Deus
Dó — duo
Dódheag —duodecim
Domhnach — Dominicus
Eaglais — Ecclesia
Easpag (Easbog ) — Episcopus
Fear — Vir
Laid — Latina
Leabhar — Liber
Mainistir — Monasterium
Manach — mondchus
Máthair — Mater
Mil — Mel
Ocht — octo
Pobal — populus
Rí — rex
Sagart — sacerdos
Satharn — Saturn
Sé — ses
Spéaclai — specula
Spioraid — spiritus
Stair — historia
Trí — tres
Trí deag — tredecim
UCH — ova
4th (na bó ) — uter