Enable Ireland call on the generosity of the people of Galway

Enable Ireland would like to wish everyone in Galway and beyond a very happy, safe and healthy Christmas and to thank everyone who has supported the organisation through the years.

Enable Ireland is a registered charity (RCN: 20006617 ) providing services in Galway for children and young people with physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities. The organisation is part-funded by the state, and every year Enable Ireland needs to raise additional funds to meet the costs of delivering its disability services. Enable Ireland continue to receive fantastic support from the people of Galway and the local business community.

If you’re in a position to make a donation to Enable Ireland's services this Christmas, your gift will go towards supporting over 400 children and young people with disabilities from across Galway city and county. Enable Ireland provides assessment, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language, psychological support, accessible transport, respite services and support for parents and families.

At present, Enable Ireland is raising funds to support its music therapy clinic, and its assistive technology clinic. Music Therapy is an evidence-based therapy that uses the creative, emotional, and energetic experiences of music for therapeutic outcomes. Another of the vital supports that Enable Ireland provides, is assistive technology which supports children’s communication, education and play.

If you are able to support Enable Ireland this Christmas, you can make a direct lodgement to Enable Ireland Galway, marking it 'Christmas Appeal'. You can lodge this money using the information below:

Bank: AIB, Lynch’s Castle, 40 Shop Street, Galway.

Account name: Enable Ireland Disability Services Ltd.

Account No: 36646609 Sort code: 937436.

IBAN: IE10 AIBK 9374 3636 6466 09.


Alternatively, if you would prefer to send a donation via cheque, cheques can be made payable to Enable Ireland at:

Enable Ireland Galway, Seamus Quirke Road, Newcastle, Galway, H91 E8P4.

Enable Ireland would like to thank you for your support, and wish you a very happy Christmas.


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