Canadian rockers crash down in Galway

Nineties rock outfit Crash Test Dummies from Canada is making its way to Galway for a smashing gig at Monroe’s Live on Wednesday, October 30, at 8pm.

Hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, the band’s music moves from folk-infused melodies to funk-driven rhythms, all held together by Brad Roberts' vocals.

Since their debut album in 1991, Crash Test Dummies have sold millions of albums, garnered Grammy nominations, and achieved worldwide acclaim.

The band reunited for the 25th anniversary of their album God Shuffled His Feet in 2018 and went on tour for the first time in 20 years. Thanks to the positive reception, the band has been touring since.

“Touring again was not something we’d planned on, but surprisingly, at least to me, there are lots of people who many years later, still want to come and hear us," says lead singer songwriter Brad Roberts.

Support on the night is from the "big, bearded, tattooed" singer Tony Cunningham, who many may know from his appearance on RTE's Last Singer Standing.He describes the Crash Test Dummies as his "favourite band" and the opportunity as a "dream come true."

Tickets €30 and available at


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