€10m Army quarters building delayed to New Year

New army accommodation block under construction in Renmore

New army accommodation block under construction in Renmore

Security concerns and construction snags have delayed the opening of a €10 million accommodation block for trainee army officers in Galway city.

Demolition of the 1970s-era Defence Forces’ former University Students’ Accommodation Complement (USAC ) building located behind the Garrison Church in Renmore began in 2022, with a modern 69-bed residence slated for completion on the site in April earlier this year.

With increasing numbers of army officers and cadets facing private sector rent hikes while attending college courses in Galway city, the initial plan in 2019 was to overhaul the old building, notorious for cramming up to three junior officers to a bedroom without adequate sanitation facilities.

Construction and materials delays early in the project are understood to have pushed out the completion date to December, while proposed changes to the perimeter of the building in the wake of the attack on army chaplain Fr Paul Murphy at the gates of nearby Dun Mhaoliosa Barracks in August mean the official opening of the new residence is now likely to be in at least January 2025.

The new accommodation block is located in a residential neighbourhood outside the walls of the Renmore barracks, and historically did not have an armed sentry posted at its entrance. Sources with knowledge of the new building say that a security audit of military property in Galway following the August incident means it is likely there will now be a manned, 24-hour presence at the entrance to the new building, or in a carpark security hut.

In a statement, an army spokesman said “The Defence Forces does not comment on its security provisions or procedures, for reasons of operational security.”

The Department of Defence said the new USAC building is a part of a seven-year Defence Forces Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP ), and that it is still expected building completion later this year.

“The IDP sets out a programme of project delivery for the years 2020 to 2027. At an estimated value of €10m (including VAT ) the new construction work will replace the former USAC block with a modern fit-for-purpose building, housing a 69 bed accommodation unit and associated facilities. Such facilities include study areas, meeting rooms, administration support and recreational zones.”

The previous building included a small hall which was occasionally available to community groups in Renmore. A Defence Forces spokeswoman said any decision on repeating this arrangement would be a matter for the Department of Defence. The new building will include a lecture room, common room, recreation room, computer room and kitchenette.

Earlier this year, Tánaiste and Minister for Defence Micheál Martin told the Dáil that Government had allocated more than €100 million to upgrade military buildings, including the provision of 960 bed spaces for serving soldiers, sailors and airmen. The provision of modern, often en suite accommodation is considered an aspect of retention and recruitment policy across the three arms of the Defence Forces.

Lt Colonel Conor King, general secretary of RACO, the representative organisation for army officers, welcomed the refurbished accommodation for young officers attending college in Galway. “This work is badly needed to upgrade and modernise accommodation that was built in the early 1970s,” he said.


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