Kumon Galway City West offers targeted support in class and self-learning empowerment. Students sit a free assessment to find their ‘just right’ start point and follow an individualised study plan on paper or on tablet. The student does a small amount of work at home each day and attends class once a week.
The individualised plan is set to match the student’s capability. Over time, many committed students study material far ahead of their age. Mastery of the material is monitored by observation of the student’s time and accuracy. At the end of each level each student sits a short assessment test. The commitment to a small amount of daily study (circa 20 minutes ) in this year-round programme develops time management and study management skills as well as determination and perseverance.
The annual Kumon Galway awards ceremony recognises the achievements of each individual student with a level certificate. Students studying six months or more ahead of their age receive bronze medals, those studying two years or more ahead of their age receive silver medals, and gold medals are presented to students working three or more years ahead of their age. Students who complete the programme (to university entry level ) receive a special framed certificate.
If you would like to book an assessment and one week free trial for your student contact Denise Heneghan at 086 8285780 or email galwaycitywest@kumoncentre.ie.