How to keep your home safe from burglars

Protecting your property from invaders is a top priority for homeowners, and taking proactive steps can significantly reduce your risk. Home expert Neil McKenzie from Halton Stairlifts shares his top 10 tips for protecting your home.

Install high-quality locks

The first line of defence against burglars is robust locking systems. Invest in high-quality deadbolts for all external doors and ensure that windows have secure locks.

Use security cameras

Security cameras serve as both a deterrent and a tool for gathering evidence in case of a break-in. Visible cameras can discourage burglars from targeting your home. Consider installing a CCTV system that covers key entry points and keeps recordings stored safely.

Install motion-activated lights

Burglars prefer to work in the dark. Installing motion-activated lights around the perimeter of your property can scare off potential intruders and alert you to unusual activity. Place these lights near entry points, such as doors and windows.

Maintain your garden

Overgrown bushes and trees can provide cover for burglars. Regularly trim hedges and trees to ensure that your home is visible from the street. Consider planting thorny bushes under windows to make access more difficult.

Get a security alarm system

An alarm system is an effective deterrent, especially if it’s linked to a monitoring service. Choose a system with a loud siren that can alert neighbours and scare off intruders. Many modern systems also offer smartphone connectivity for remote monitoring.

Use smart home technology

Smart home technology can enhance your security with features such as remote lock controls, doorbell cameras, and automated lighting. These systems allow you to monitor your home from anywhere and make it appear occupied, even when you're away.

Display security signs

Placing signs that indicate the presence of a security system or a dog can deter burglars. Even if you don't have a dog or the most advanced security system, the perception alone can be enough to make thieves think twice.

Secure valuables

Keep valuables out of sight and away from windows. Consider investing in a safe for storing important documents, jewellery, and other high-value items. If possible, bolt the safe to the floor to prevent it from being carried away.

Establish a Neighbourhood Watch or Community Alert group

Community vigilance is a powerful deterrent against crime. Join or establish a Neighbourhood Watch or Community Alert programme to create a network of residents who look out for one another. Sharing information and reporting suspicious activities can help prevent burglaries.

Be mindful of social media

Avoid advertising your absence on social media. Burglars often monitor these platforms to identify potential targets. Be cautious about sharing holiday plans and location details online, and consider posting updates after you return home.

"Home security is increasingly important as burglary concerns rise," Neil McKenzie from Halton Stairlifts added. "By implementing strategies like installing high-quality locks, security cameras, and alarm systems, homeowners can significantly deter burglars. Proactive measures such as maintaining gardens, using smart technology, and fostering community vigilance through neighbourhood watch programmes can enhance safety and provide peace of mind."


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