Minister buys a brick for the Poor Clares

The “Buy a Brick” fundraising campaign for the renovation of the Poor Clare extern convent is progressing well according to Sr. Colette, Mother Abbess of the Community.

During a recent visit to the monastary Mother Abbess talked Minister Éamon Ó Cúiv into buying a brick for their renovation fund. “We have a long way to go, but there has been a good response to the buy a brick initiative which we began last month. We have been blessed with a fantastic fundraising committee. There is just no way we could have embarked on such a big venture without their help,” she said. “Conscious that the enclosed nature of the sisters lives mean that they are restricted in their ability to get out there, a group of volunteers consisting of local Galway business people and people who attend Mass in the sisters’ chapel got together to help.”

Committee member Tom Cunningham says that it is a very rewarding experience to be part of the fundraising drive for the Poor Clares.

“A friend of mine told me that the sisters needed some people to help with fundraising, so I was glad to give a hand in any way I could. I believe, as many others do, that the Poor Clare presence in Galway over the years has been important for us as a community. It’s a sign of hope in a changing society where life has become very stressful.”

‘Buy a Brick’ tickets are now available from the Poor Clare Monastery, The Abbey offices, the Augustinian church and various businesses around Galway. For more information on the fundraising appeal and other activities which will help the project over the coming months visit


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