Galway Arts and Disability Levelling Access report highlights collaborative efforts

Mairead Folan with Mayor Eddie Hoare at Levelling Access Event Blue Teapot.
Image Credits are to Boyd Challenger for Galway City Council.

Mairead Folan with Mayor Eddie Hoare at Levelling Access Event Blue Teapot. Image Credits are to Boyd Challenger for Galway City Council.

Artists and creative companies working at the intersection of arts and disability gathered for a meeting of Galway city organisations and creative practitioners at Blue Teapot Theatre. The afternoon was filled with inspiring conversations, focusing on artists, the work of artists with intellectual disabilities, with physical disabilities, as well as on developing the artforms such as theatre and visual arts.

Hosted by the Galway City Council Arts Office, the event responded to the Levelling Access report, which mapped arts and disability provision in Clare, Galway city, and Mayo, the event reviewed the Levelling Access report, and its findings, and explored ways to collaborate locally and regionally. Artists and organisations connected with peers and 25 attendees discussed visibility, curation, access, and networks in arts and disability. Contributors from various artforms, including theatre, dance, visual arts, writing, and poetry attended alongside education and support agency partners.

Published in 2022, with support from the Arts Council of Ireland, the Levelling Access report mapped arts and disability provision across Clare, Galway city, and Mayo. It highlighted services such as; Brothers of Charity Galway; Arts Alive; Blue Teapot Theatre Company; No Ropes Theatre Company; and Speckled Egg Dance Company in Galway city. The Levelling Access report enabled local authorities to partner with expert collaborators to address significant aspects of arts development. Levelling Access – mapping arts and disability provision in Clare, Galway city, and Mayo is available in various formats on

Galway City Council is working with local partners to profile the work of disabled artists and build capacity in arts and disability across creative disciplines to enhance professional and participatory arts opportunities. They would like to say thank you to the Galway organisations and creative practitioners who participated, and to Blue Teapot for hosting the event.

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