The 50 Plus Show - the lifestyle event for older people

Michael Lyster

Michael Lyster

Interested in taking up a new hobby or pastime? The 50 Plus Show is Ireland’s only dedicated national consumer event for older people.

One of the many attractions of The 50 Plus Show in the Salthill Hotel next Tuesday and Wednesday will be a series of arts and crafts workshops where participants can take home their creative piece for free.

A series of four workshops will run each day, starting with needle felting at 10:30, and an upcycled jewellery workshop at 12, a painting ceramics workshop at 1pm and a paint pouring workshop at 2pm. All materials are provided and workshops are restricted to 15 people and need to be booked in advance.

The workshops are part of an overall event which the organisers, SeniorTimes, say is designed to inform and educate people 50 and over. Over 50 exhibitors will also be taking part giving advice on areas such as rights and entitlements, digital advice, holidays, health, personal finance, food, and fashion.

Celebrity guest appearances include former RTÉ presenter Michael Lyster, musician Sandy Kelly and broadcaster Keith Finnegan. Kate Wright of Galway Cookery Classes will also be running two cooking demo’s each day.

Admission to The 50 Plus Show in the Salthill Hotel on Tuesday, May 21 and Wednesday, May 22 is free by registering at, emailing, or calling 01 496 9028.


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